Park and cross
Balcia Snow park 2024
This season we are pleased to announce our park supporter "Balcia insurance" which has provided us a great set of features for our slopes. Our park is divided in two slopes - the Green and the Red. On the Green slope there is a 6 m fun box at the top, then we have got 4,5 m kids box on a platform together with 6 m corrugated tube. After that there is a round 6 m rail which kleads into a platform with kinkbox on the left side and and a 5 m jump on the right side. It is followed by a kicker with around 8 m gap with a little step up. And next to it there is a corrugated pipe which leads into a volcano feature around a tree. On the Red slope there is a 6 m round which leads into a kicker line around 10 m gap on first jump and after another kicker around 10m gap as well.
If the weather conditions are appropriate, each year the longest snow/ski cross track in Latvia is built at Ozolkalns. It usually has several curves, jumps and other elements. The slope is suitable for professionals as well as for beginners.
At 2011 Ozolkalns track was the only slope out of mountain regions which was included in official FIS European Cup of snowboardcross competition calendar. All leading sports men of Europe attended this competition .